Our stock has 2-stroke and 4-stroke engine parts of the most known engine manufacturers’ types (MAN, SULZER, MITSUBISHI, WARTSILA, DAIHATSU, YANMAR).  It consists mostly of 2-stroke piston crowns, exhaust valve spindles and seats but also a few piston rods, liners, cylinder covers and 4-stroke crankshafts. Our stock is available for sale or exchange.

Parts in stock have been reconditioned in KIMI with the same quality standards and processes followed when customers bring their components for reconditioning.  Reconditioned piston crowns are offered with our written guarantee of 20000 running hours or 2 years of operation and are stamped with a KIMI logo and an order number for traceability reasons. The last one is valid also for our exhaust valve spindles. Most importantly, piston crowns, exhaust valves and seats and piston rods held in our stock are not just reconditioned. Parts are rebuilt and restored to their original dimensions and offered with full reporting to the customer.

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