Our Field Service Engineers are available round-the-clock to help you with your routine repairs or emergency breakdown. Each of our travelling teams specializes in a different type of work. Thus we have technicians ready to visit you for:

  • 2-stroke, 4-stroke engine and auxiliary machinery overhauling or repair.
  • Fuel pump overhauling and timing adjustment.
  • Steam turbines field services-Inspection and testing.
  • 4-stroke crankshaft inspection and repair. NDT, machining, grinding and annealing. For in-situ crankshaft repair cases, tooling is light enough to travel with our team on the same flight and we do our best to send our team on the same day that breakdown occurred.

It is our company policy, that our ‘flying squad’ repair technicians provide customers with writing damage assessments but also to report their daily schedule for as long as they stay on-site. In that way, we keep our customers’ visibility high throughout the repair process but also ensure high quality in our on-site services. Sharing information with our technical department through detailed reports and everyday contact has proven to be a key factor for the successful completion of any on-site work.