Even for heavily damaged cylinder covers reconditioning is carried out at a fraction of the cost of a new cylinder cover. However, poor reconditioning may result in rapid component failure, shorter life expectancy and subsequently in unexpected downtime and high associated costs.

During the inspection of the cylinder cover, it is critical for non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques to be applied properly for cracks and defects to be detected, otherwise, unrevealed cracks and defects are likely to remain in the cylinder cover after reconditioning.

KIMI reconditioning service is designed to restore the 2-stroke cylinder covers of B&W, Sulzer, and Mitsubishi engines to their original dimensions and tolerances.

We apply techniques to detect defects successfully not only on the surface but also embodied within the cylinder cover.

Based on inspection findings we propose to our customers the repair procedure that has to be followed.

When it comes to heavily damaged cylinder covers, KIMI offers a full rebuilding service of the combustion surface (not only a partial reconditioning) and we restore the component’s service life back to “0” running hours.

Welding and stress relieving are carried out under precisely controlled conditions.

Combustion’s face, landing faces and O-ring grooves are machined on a vertical CNC turning table to the original dimensions as specified by the Maker.

Finally, the covers are pressure tested, dye checked and visually inspected by PCN Level II certified personnel.

Our customers benefit from:

  • Quality and performance are equal to new. Our ability to conduct detailed inspection, apply proper NDT testing and detect defects in total successfully. For our NDT services, we offer certificates issued by certified personnel (PCN Level II) ensuring metallurgical excellence.
  • Our full-rebuilding service. We reset the service life of the cylinder.
  • Our flexibility to offer five different repair costs depending on the inspection findings.
  • Our option is to apply the Inconel layer around the fuel injection area upon customer request.