In our workshop, we can recondition not only four-stroke but also two-stroke connecting rods of big-sized engines.
Connecting rods are under high stress from the reciprocating load represented by the piston. Common failures that occur most often on four-stroke connecting rods are ovality, cracks in the way of the serration or overheating in the big-end bore and ovality or damage in the small-end bore.
We recondition four-stroke connecting rods following the procedure described below:
- Cleaning
- Dimensional inspection- Reporting
- Dismantling
- Magnetic particle testing (Magnaflux) for crack detection on serration. Magnaflux is a non-destructive testing process for the detection of not only surface but also subsurface discontinuities by direct or indirect magnetization.
- Restoration of the big end bore to the original diameter
- Replacement of the small-end bush if required
- Assembly and tightening following OEM tightening instructions
- Final dimensional inspection- Reporting
NDT services and certificates are issued by certified personnel (Level II EN473).